Jun 9, 2014

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The best Bavarian costume deals

The best Bavarian costume deals

Lederhosen, leather shoes, and checked shirt; dirndl, blouse, apron, shoes, and bag! Especially if you are just starting to get into Bavarian fashion, the shopping list can be long – and expensive! Just buying a good-quality pair of leather breeches will set you back more than £150 (at the bottom end of the scale!). And if you don’t want to look like you bought your dirndl at the airport on the way in, you’ll need a bob or two, as well – which is before we’ve even started on accessories.

So it’s great that there are so many online shops offering deals on starter sets with everything you need – at an okay price. Now, the outfits you buy like that are not going to be made up of the highest quality and most up-to-date pieces, but you should get a set of serviceable classics that looks the part. As long as you avoid the cowboys!

Some online stores “forget” to mention what’s actually a part of the outfit and what isn’t. For guys, there should be at the very least a pair of lederhosen, a shirt, and shoes, although a couple of other bits really ought to be thrown in too. Girls, your deal package should include at least two pieces – i.e. the dirndl and the apron – but you really should be looking for three piecers so that you get the blouse too.

If you’re unsure about which items you need, just take a look at our articles for guys here and girls here.

A deal which really covers everything and isn’t just a collection of ultra-cheap rubbish is going to cost a tidy sum, but far less than buying each individual item separately. So be careful of dirndl deals that start at £19.99, for example, because you won’t get everything you need – or anything approaching quality – for that price. So here’s our look at the best Bavarian costume deals out there.

Ladies, you really should be expecting to spend around £90 for a two-piece set (i.e. dirndl dress and matching apron, like this set) or 100€ for all three pieces (i.e. with a blouse, like this one). You’ll need to get shoes and accessories separately, but a deal around this price mark for two or three piece sets is absolutely fine.

For you guys, the starting price closer to £190, which – although it is twice as much – should include all five items you need for an outfit. If you go below that, on your own head be it: your leather breeches especially will be where you’ll notice the difference. So buy once, but buy well. And enjoy your time at the Oktoberfest!

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