Jan 2, 2014

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New Year’s Resolutions for a dirndl figure

New Year’s Resolutions for a dirndl figure

So, how are you doing after New Year’s? Fit as a fiddle again? No, we’re not either. Which is all the more reason to spend today thinking about what we can do in the coming months to feel fresh and young again – soon! Yes, it’s the time of New Year’s Resolutions. And with only slightly over 270 days left until the Oktoberfest, it’s not a moment too soon for our Number One Resolution: The Dirndl Figure.

Resolution Number One (for her): Dirndl figure
Yes ladies, we don’t want to be the party-poopers here, but if you’re not already thinking now about how to get that hourglass jaw-dropper in September, it’s too late. Because – despite what a lot of magazines and food supplement/replacement people would have you believe – you can’t just remould your body overnight. So you need to be thinking about what size dirndl you want to fit into now, and taking steps to get the figure to match. If you’ve already got the right size, your resolution is simpler: it’s just about toning up and keeping your shape, so plenty of aerobics, swimming, tennis, dancing, or whatever else it is that takes your fancy.

If you’re not there yet, then you’ve now got nine months to take weight off in the only sensible, healthy, long-term way: gradually. Worried about how to keep up your motivation for so long? Why not just buy the dirndl you want in the size you want now and hang it up very visibly in your wardrobe? Yes: buying a perfect dirndl in your perfect size is officially a New Year’s resolution!


A motivational image for all you fellers out there…

Resolution Number One (for him): Lederhosen calves
What? Just ‘cos you’re a guy you don’t have to worry about your figure? Sorry, but the 50s are over and girls want impressive figures! So if you’ve got wiry chicken legs, it’s time to start doing something about it: your New Year’s resolution is climbing stairs instead of taking the lift.

Sound too easy? There are other ways to build calf muscle while having fun, like football, for instance, or climbing, or riding a bicycle (uphill, preferably). However you decide to do it, it’s never too early to start thinking about your lederhosen legs, and nine months will give you plenty of time. One more thing: kick out the protein shakes make a tasty New Year’s resolution – more wholesome, hearty German food!

The New Year’s Resolution
Nevertheless, this is the only resolution we can already get enthusiastic about: drink more Bavarian beer and less of all the stronger, more dangerous stuff!

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